Club Activities
Club members can find a listing of upcoming events in the monthly minutes and the Newsletters.
Club Meetings
Club meetings are held on the last Thursday of each month (except December).
Meetings are held at the Paranaple Centre (above the new library) at 137 Rooke Street, Devonport, at 7:30pm.
Members and guests are asked to arrive between 7:15 to 7:25pm as the doors will be locked after this time.
Club Dam Fishing Days
The Club has a dam outside of Devonport with fishing days/competitions occuring throughout the year.
Fly-Tying Events
Regular fly-tying events are regularly run by members, for other members. These are sometimes of a night in Devonport or for a weekend at the Club Shack, Devon Lodge.
Club Working Bees
Working bees are held at the Devon Lodge as required. Members are encouraged to assist if possible.
Casting Practice Sessions
Club members hold regular catchup/casting practice sessions on ovals in the North and South of Tasmania.